In today’s episode we have a conversation with the very passionate, Rebecca Tabbert whose purpose is to help busy women experience breakthroughs in weight loss, authentic confidence and unshakeable faith. 

For Rebecca, it all began with a choice to become healthy and fit in both mind and body. To do the work required to achieve it, she invested countless hours in God’s word, in fellowship with Him, in the community, and in the relationships with her amazing sisters in Christ - continually working on who she is as a woman, wife, mum, leader, and entrepreneur.  She has at least 6 figures in certifications, courses, coaching programs, and mentorships. Rebecca has been helping women for over a decade now! 

In this episode, Rebecca will share “5 lies that keep us stuck or keep us from getting started, or keep us in the insanity of the yoyo weight”, so we can have a breakthrough and then also understand what it takes to make it sustainable.  

  • The lie that we tell ourselves 
  • Healthy at any weight 
  • The current weight I’m at is not really impacting my life right now. 
  • If it fits your macros 
  • It’s all about diet and exercise

Rebecca will also share 3 practical steps to start implementing right away. 

  • Nutrition – eating as close to the ground or the animal as possible which means not eating processed food 
  • Workouts – just start moving 
  • Learn how to become a student of your own mind and body 

Rebecca tells us that even though we may think our weight doesn’t have a huge impact on our daily lives, it actually impacts every aspect of our lives.  



2:53 – Unlock the five lies that keep you stuck 

5:43 - Lie that we tell ourselves 

6:56 – 100% ownership 

8:32 – 2nd lie is healthy at any weight (number on the scale doesn’t define us) 

11:02 – Is it really impacting the rest of my life? 

13:59 – It fits your macros 

15:00 – it's all about diet and exercise 

18:17 – carrying extra weight impacts every aspect of our lives 

19:12 – 3 practical steps, nutrition, workout and learning to be a student of body and mind 

25:00 – doing the long term work makes the difference 


Episode #10 | Charlie Mac – Free Yourself, Nothing Was Broken In The First Place


Episode #12 | Gaby Chang – Why Are Relationships Difficult