Start Reinventing Your CONFIDENCE
By Downloading My FREE Resource

Confidence Booster Guide
A Guide to Building Your Self-Esteem and Owning Your Worth

Life In Abundance Guide
11 Simple and Proven Strategies to A Healthy & Happy Life

Healthy Planner & Tracker
A Daily Tracker for Your Nutrition, Sleep and Exercise
Let me introduce myself...
I was born in Serbia, raised in Bosnia and now living in Australia. I am a proud working mama and I have a beautiful girl and an ultra hunky husband, John.
I am best known as ‘the voice’ for abused women, as a woman who has found inner peace and confidence after overcoming a life full of humps and bumps.
After healing myself from many traumas of sexual, emotional, mental and physical abuse, a near death experience during the war in Bosnia, forced marriage, toxic relationships and living on the street, I am proud to embrace the new me, and empower others to do the same.
Since connecting to my true essence, having the power to make my own choices by overcoming many fears, finding my self-esteem and building up my confidence, one of the questions I’m often asked is: how did you break free – how did you get here – after so many years of abuse?
No doubt this was my biggest challenge in life, to break through the shackles of shame, blame, embarrassment, guilt, fear and all the other burdens of the past.