Are you feeling burnout, frustrated in your day-to-day job and personal life? It might be time to get off the hamster wheel and hit the pause button. You weren't born to pursue a busy calendar and live off an over packed schedule and to-do list. 

Rae has spent the last 9 years immersing herself in spirituality, biohacking, human behaviour and energy medicine. She has dedicated her life to understanding the connection between mind, body, and spirit and how to optimise it for the contemporary human being.

Rae has her Bachelor's degree in Nursing, PMP (Project Management Certification) and is a Master Certified Life Coach and facilitator. She lends her expertise to entrepreneurs to strategise their business needs and supports them to have more time, money and freedom.

Rae works with clients who are wanting a reset in their lives. A reset that is everlasting, not a band-aid fix.

Key topics:

09:50 - How many of you are familiar with BURNOUT?

10:28 - "The world has programmed us to live in the RAT RACE of life." We spend more hours working than creating life experiences.

11:40 - Saying NO is a superhero power, we have to start saying NO more. Setting boundaries is a tool for success.

12:32 - HOW DO WE PREVENT BURNOUT? How do you make your life a spiritual retreat?

13:50 - What does it take to make time for God a priority? Find your EOS or Energy Operating System, your sacred space.

14:48 - Know our life values, what's important to you? These are the creators of our happiness.

Rae’s life values:
1. God time (pray and have gratitude)
2. Creating time (selfcare)
3. Metamorphosis (learning)

18:00 - Everyone needs a JUPITER DAY, a day of being.

18:43 - DELEGATION, this is also a superhero power. We have resources supporting us in monetising our time. What you never get back is time.

21:30 - Bringing yourself back into alignment, body, mind and soul.

22:00 - How to make it happen for you?

Remember: You are worthy of more time, money and energy!



Episode #7 | Alyssa Dver – The Science of Confidence


Episode #9 | Dr Peta Stapleton – The Science Behind Tapping (EFT)