14 November 2023, by Billy Boss

What Do You Really Mean When You Say, "I AM FINE"


Do you know that “I am fine” is the most told lie in the English language? It is usually used when someone is, in fact, not fine but they say “I am fine” because they don’t want to burden others and it’s easier to explain than what’s wrong, would you agree?

F.I.N.E is said to stand for “Feeling Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional”, and can also be “Feeling I’m Nothing to Everyone” or “Feeling Inadequate, Needing Encouragement”. Whatever your definition of FINE may be most of us would just lie and say “I am FINE”, because it’s an easy way out.

Then why do we say “I am fine” when clearly, we’re not:

  • Not sure of what you really feel
  • Pretending to be okay
  • To avoid conflicts
  • Scared to tell what you're really feeling


Only those who identify with these feelings can truly understand the agony behind the words “I am fine.”

The next time someone asks how you are, think about the response you’re already anticipating. What if we didn’t settle for “fine”? What if we stop, take a moment, and answer with true sincerity how I’m doing? Or better yet, tell them how you’re feeling. We could all benefit from slowing down and honestly evaluating how we are doing.


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16 January 2024, by Billy Boss

Embrace, Don't Escape: Understanding the Importance of Acknowledging Guilt & Shame with Renee Webster


Ever felt stuck without knowing why? Meet Renee Webster, a wise life expert with more than 20 years of experience. She says that the answer might be hidden in emotions like guilt and shame, which act like invisible chains holding us back.

Renee stresses the importance of understanding the difference between guilt (feeling bad about something you did) and shame (thinking you're a bad person). These emotions can keep us from moving forward. She shares valuable insights on overcoming them, emphasizing the need for healthy boundaries in handling emotions.

According to Renee, it's crucial to pause and listen to our emotions, giving them a voice and acknowledging their presence. Validating our feelings is like taking the first step toward breaking free from those invisible chains. By understanding and dealing with guilt and shame, we create space for personal growth, authenticity, and success in various aspects of our lives.

So, if you've ever felt like there's something holding you back, it could be these hidden emotions.

In this episode, Renee shares:

  • 07:23 - The guilt, what it is and what are the types of guilt?
  • 11:30 - How to identify if you do carry GUILT & how to deal with the guilt without avoiding it.
  • 17:31 - The difference between guilt and shame
  • 22:45 - Imposter syndrome
  • 30:18 - Healthy boundaries, importance and how to create them (values).
  • 39:21 – Matter of perspective: Sometimes 2 people can see the same thing from different angles and they both believe they are correct.
  • 53:49 – Renee’s message to all….

Renee's Message to All:

It’s ok to be HUMAN and do your best.

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Links mentioned in this episode:


The Science Behind Tapping (EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique) with Dr Peta Stapleton


5 Lies That Keeps You Stuck and Overweight
with Rebecca Tabbert